#Resident's Family Meeting at #Castletroy #Residential #Home
#Castletroy #Residential #Home is inviting all the families of our residents to come and attend a meeting on the 28th of February 2018....

#Castletroy #Residential #Home #Luton, #Quiz Night
Friday the 16th March, We are as per our annual tradition hosting a Quiz Night. Please come in numbers to support our residents and don't...

A few changes to #Winter Fun over #Christmas at #Castletroy
8/12/2017 - Chris Doherty sings 2.00 p.m - Green Floor lounge 11/12/2017 - Meads Primary School Children's Choir 1:30 p.m. 11/12/2017 -...

Winter fun at #Castletroy #Residential #Home
Here are a list of fun filled activities happening at #Castletroy Residential Home Wednesday 8th Nov - Juke box legends 11.00 a.m. -...

Halloween Quiz at #Castletroy Residential Home
On Friday the 27th October, we held our annual Halloween quiz night at #Castletroy Residential Home.. Yet again very well supported by...